With that title, I was hoping to see the best goals of the whole world cup. No - this video only shows the 80's and 90's. Still, some nice goals, but no Pele, Pushka, Osebio, Romario, or Ronaldo. A British production, there are plenty of English goals (not all of them "classic"). Still fun to watch and well-produced.
Customer Review: Footy at its best, goals goals goals...
The world's most popular sport has some great and infamous moments; every football fan will love this video. 101 classic goals from the world cup, the biggest and most professional tournament in the world. The video is old however ('classic') I wish it included some of the modern goals, like the fantastic Michael Owen Goal during the '98 Finals Vs Argentina, that was a classic but you can't have everything in life. This has Gazza, Pele, Maradona, All the top names and some people many people won't even remember, but one thing is for sure, these are the best goals of the past 50 or so years of world cup history. If your moving away to a country were football is called 'Soccer' and your afraid your going to miss some of the action, watch this and remember why its the best sport on Earth. 4 Stars.
Definition tells us a puppet is a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer. Ironically, a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone is also referred to as a puppet.
Puppets: The Finest Dolls
Puppets are finest because they can be played with so little effort unlike the battery-operated dolls. Although playing puppets doesnt let you watch them, playing them in itself is a great fun. Puppets are used to depicting various mythological stories over the ages regardless of where you are.
Why Children Love To Play Puppets
Wide range of toys enhances imaginative experiences of children. Innovatively built, stuffed toys can be used to show your baby how to brush her teeth, how to wash hands etc. Children are highly imaginative; buy them a puppet or two, they very soon get to learn their mechanisms. Although they like it, they invariably end up tearing the puppets apart! Instead of bringing out the cane and discipline them, instead teach your children make a puppet at home.
Making a Puppet At Home
Making a puppet at home may not save you money, but children love a home grown puppet endless. Their imaginations start flying while you are at work with your puppet. They start off on a fantasy trip imagining stories and characters they have heard. Well here is how you make a puppet at home.
Materials you require: You dont need more than a couple of wooden spoons, color brush and ribbon, scissors, cardboard and paint. Dont forget the glue.
Making it: Choose the favorite animal of your child to begin with. You need not be altruistic about choice of colors. Choose a pleasant color to wash the cardboard and the spoons with. Cutout two ears from the cardboard and glue them onto the spoons after embellishing. Paint the face, eyes, nose and mouth. Finish it with colorful ribbons around its neck tied like your child wanted.
The easiest you can make at home is a doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; which fits over your hand and manipulated with the fingers.
This is not to discourage buying of puppets. Instead you have the freedom to choose from 1000s of varieties plus the mechanized varieties. Not to mention the thrill you give your child wandering through the toy store.
Alan Ross is a regular article contributor on many topics. Be sure to visit his other websites Puppets Resources, Hand And Finger Puppets, and Toys Resources.
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