When you think Warcraft gold farming, you probably picture hours of mind-numbing repetition, running from mob to mob in a small area, or flying a circuit of mining nodes. To be fair, that's what most people mean when they say gold farming. But if we get back to basics, the point is really to make gold. It doesn't matter so much how we are going about it as long as we are accomplishing the goal.
Raiding has traditionally been a good way to lose money, not make it. You head in to a boss, taking a beating from trash along the way, and then when you get to your goal you end up wiping and wiping and wiping. Those repair bills really add up, especially when you get farther on and have all epic gear. It doesn't seem like much of a gold earning method. But changes since The Burning Crusade came out have resulted in a potentially profitable situation - very profitable.
First, if the guild you are in is just working on getting through one of the first 25-man dungeons, this probably won't work so well. You can suggest that the guild bank pick up repairs on new content. There are multiple guilds out there using a policy like this and it's a real money saver. But assuming that your guild is farming zones that they have already completed, there are two ways to get gold. First, the bosses in Outland dungeons are pretty rich. You can get quite a bit of coin off of them just from the kill.
The real money maker though is in the Badges of Honor. Most bosses drop two of them, while a few drop three. If you think about how many bosses are in a zone, and how quickly a well-running guild can clear them, you'll start to see how it can add up. For instance Black Temple has 8 bosses including Illidan. That's two badges from each of them, except Illidan who drops 3. So you'd get 17 badges from a full clear. Hyjal Summit produces 11 for a full clear, which a decent guild can do in one night. If you guild clears both every week, that's 28 badges.
To turn this into cash, you just need to buy items with your badges and then sell them. The easiest is usually epic gems, which often go for 300 gold a piece in the auction house. They cost 15 badges each to purchase, so in the example above you'd be able to buy about two per week. 600 gold per week just for raiding, and that doesn't include gold that drops from the bosses. As you can see, you don't have to go out and grind mobs or professions to make reasonable gold. In fact, with a good guild you can earn tons of gold just by showing up to raids (and being careful not to die). In fact, this is probably one of the easiest methods to accumulate wealth, and the least taxing because you don't even feel like you're farming. If you're lazy, that's how to gold farm.
Why go through Warcraft poor? Learn all about gold farming and start earning gold like a pro! Head to FarmingForGold.com for lots more information about how to gold farm
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