Buying Gold from a Gold Seller here is a few simple guide lines to follow.
1. Always try to do a little background check on them from other customers if possible. If you dont know anyone at all there is a few sites out there that you could check out.
2. Check see if they have any really good check out methods like Google Checkout or Paypal. Also see if they have any trusted logos from different sites. They usuasly put all of this stuff at the bottom of the page for everyone to see.
3. Look and check out if they have a live chat support. This helps to keep in touch with them so you don't have to always contact them by e-mail its alot more effective if you have questions. Always speak with them before buying gold kind of scope out the site before you purchase anything.
4. Check out there testimonials and see how other people felt about there purchases from that site/company that is trying to sell you wow gold.
5. Look at how many games they sell gold to. If they sell gold or currency to alot of other games then the chance of them being legit is better and getting your gold should be faster.
6. When you I pay i recommend using paypal. If there is any disputes or any problems you can send complaints to paypal and they seem like they can help you out in any way possible.
7. When you are entering any private information to any of these sites make sure they are secured. By that I mean a lock by the web address or at the bottom of your explorer it varies on what edition you are using. Just make sure its secure if not you could be getting your Credit Card or paypal information stolen. Make sure its all secure. I would always change your password to paypal at least once a week along with any other information you use to purchase things off the internet.
8. For more direct information relating to alot of gold sellers I would recommend going towarcraftpurchase and reading there gold reviews on different gold sellers in world of warcraft. They actually purchase the gold for every site they have reviewed.
Good luck on buying wow gold. I hope this information helped you out!
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