I purchased the XBOX 360 version of this game on the date of its release, and I actually played this anime game for over 5 hours as soon as I got home. The reason why is very simple, this game can be summed up in one word and that is, amazing. This is definitely not your everyday run of the mill fighting game.
The most amazing aspect of this game is the fact that they have taken actual footage and clips from the Dragonball Z series, and animated it into a cell-shaded work of art. This game also has the advantage that most of the voices are from the original series, with the addition of Vegeta being voiced by Christopher Sabat and not Brian Drummond. This is not exactly a problem as Sabat did voice over 200 episodes, whilst Drummond did about 50. But as simple as this touch is, it is something that many anime games fail to implement.
The game play is also simple and easy to use, and you can even equip cut scenes that can help you during the battle. For example, in the Saiyan saga, you can equip Kururin (Krillin in the UK), and he will aid you in your attack once you have reached all the requirements. These requirements can range from dealing X amount of damage, to taking off X life bars whilst you yourself have two.
This game is ridiculously pretty and extremely well made, though I was annoyed at the absence of the Buu Saga. The Buu Saga was the final chapter in the Dragonball Z saga, and I'm not entirely sure how you can call it a Dragonball Z game when it lacks all the sagas from that series. I mean, it even includes the stupid Brolli saga, but neglects to include the Buu saga which would have introduced to us all the fusion characters.
The reason this is also an issue is because it means that the next game they bring out can't be a Dragonball Z game, only a Dragonball game, or a GT game, which if they were to included the Buu Saga in this, then that would be incorrect as these series' are about 15 years apart. For none fans, this may not be an issue, but it is a huge contingency error, and they would in fact do better to miss the Buu Saga out all together, which would be a huge shame as it is in fact one of the coolest.
So if you like the Dragonball Z anime series, you should love this game, as it brings you everything a fan could want.
Kristen Barghout
Blog: http://www.animezonecentral.com
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