In Dungeons and Dragons Online a wizard can be very fun to play if you know how to properly utilize their skills and abilities. They have a large variety of spells that you can choose from and it must be chosen effectively. They have the advantage of range but their most fatal flaw is their defense and close combat. They lack the armors that a warrior or tank type can wear. Unlike most massive multiplayer online games, the wizard is more than just a high burst damage class. To begin, let's figure which race would be your choice.
In DDO, the humans gain an extra Feat at first level which is useful to all classes. The extra feat can be used on toughness for extra hit points or dodge. A wizard class needs a lot of boost on survivability. Dwarves start with +2 to constitution and a -2 to Charisma. Con bonus gives you extra HP and adds to concentration skill which will help a wizard cast while being attacked. The Cha penalty will not hurt too much on a wizard class. Dwarfs also get a +4 bonus to Balance skill. A dwarf is ideal for pleasure and roleplay but not for stat wise. Elves begin with +2 Dexterity and -2 to Constitution. A well played wizard should not get hit much in melee combat so the extra the Dex will be very handy when it comes to avoiding traps and spell effects. Another defensive stat. Elves also has a weapon proficiency as well as immunity to Sleep and resistance to spells such as Suggestion and Hold Person.
Elf is a very strong choice for a wizard class. Halflings get a +2 to Dexterity and a -2 to Strength. The Str stat does absolutely nothing for the wizard class. They also receive a +1 to AC as well as a stealth bonus. Halflings are also a good choice as they are a sneaky, small and good for party support. Warforged gets a +2 bonus to Constitution and -2 to both Wisdom and Charisma. Losing on Wisdom would hurt the most. Wisdom reduces the ability to shrug off many enchantments as well as their general resistance to many spells. A Warforged wizard gets Repair spells which you can use to act as your own cleric and damage dealer. Warforged wizards are not exactly the best class but can also have their benefits, especially when it comes to solo play.
Versatility and knowledge are a wizard's strong points. Play with your strengths and weakness and everything about your spells function in order to master a wizards true potential. You need to be able to understand how certain spells may have different effects on different type of monsters, learn how to kite, how much damage you deal to each mob and how many nukes it will take to kill that specific mob before it reaches you into close melee combat. A well built and well played wizard and be the difference between victory and victory against an overwhelming battle in DDO.
Tila Miles is an avid DDO fan. She has mastered many classes and wrote about her work in her blog. She has also written some DDO gold guides as well.
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