The Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning release date is September 18th. Many newcomers are wondering just where this whole Warhammer craze has come from. Those of us who have been around a while remember Dungeons and Dragons but may not be familiar with Warhammer.
The first edition of Warhammer was released in 1983 by Games Workshop. It was the English version of Dungeons and Dragons and quickly caught on. The game incorporated pewter miniatures in table top battles following rules set up for combat and magic using dice while attempting to complete campaigns. By 1987 Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay overtook Dungeons and Dragons as the most popular game of its kind in the UK.
Warhammer 40,000 was released in 1987 and used a similar rule set as the original Warhammer except it had a Sci-Fi twist. Games Workshop followed with other spin offs including War Master which focused more on command and control using smaller sized miniatures and Man O'War which was all about sea battles. In 2006, Games Workshop released Warhammer Quest, an actual board game using the Warhammer universe. There have also been novels, console games and collectible card games based on the Warhammer world.
The new Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning feeds directly off the original version for races, maps and lore. The MMO uses only six of the sixteen currently available races, including the Empire and Chaos humans, the High Elves, the Dark Elves, the Dwarves and the Greenskins (Orcs and goblins). This leaves plenty of room for expansion to add newer races later. The RvR theme and character classes (like Witch Hunter and Warrior Priest) also conform to the existing Warhammer Universe.
Whether you have loved Warhammer since the 80's or you had never heard of it before, Warhammer Online is sure be a great MMO combining a compelling PvE experience with the ultimate in RvR combat. It is available now for Preorder at select retailers or via digital download. The Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning release date is September 18th. Prepare for War!
James Ostenson is an avid gamer and has played several online fantasy games starting with Ultima Online. Warhammer Online looks to be the next best thing in the MMORPG world. Check out his Squidoo page where he does a review of the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning preview weekend.
James' blog can be found here at Wordpress.
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