The early history of soccer, through scientific evidences, is traced back during the 2nd and 3rd centuries B.C. Although it is believed that even before that time, people during the early years have been playing a ball with their feet. A military manual during the Han Dynasty include the "Tsu'Chu" among the physical educational exercise. The "Tsu'Chu" is an exercise of kicking a leather ball filled with feathers and hair through an opening, which measures about 30-40 cm in width, into a small net attached into long bamboo canes.
Another variety of this game was found out from the Far East, called Japanese Kemari, about 500 to 600 years before and is still being played nowadays. This form of game is of a circular football game which is more dignified and ceremonious experience. It is less spectacular, not too competitive but requires certain skills in playing the game.
The history of soccer is believed to be originated from different variety of ball games. The "Episkyros" Greek game shows a relative significance to a Roman game "Harpastum" but the first was much livelier. The "Harpastum" remained popular for 700 to 800 years but the Romans took the game in England with them. It was possible that early influences of this game made the development of football and soccer familiar to England and Scotland.
Since then, the game was known in the whole British Isles but the rules of the game were disorganized and more violent. It was until after football rules had been established in 1863 and the creation of Football Association, standardized the size of the ball, arrangement of every game and others. The first match took duration of one and a half hours.
John is an avid soccer fan. Learn more about history of soccer.
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